Paul Harvey Made This Prediction in 1965. Now Listen to His Chilling Words…

Back in the 70s when I was a kid, I spent my summers helping my dad with bailing hay. I always carried a little transistor radio along with me…

At lunchtime, I would take a break and find a shady spot under a tree to park the tractor. I’d enjoy my lunch while listening to Paul Harvey. Whenever I hear his voice, it reminds me of those sunny summers when my family, including my parents, brother, grandmothers, aunts, and uncles, were all together and happy. I really miss those days.

Between 1952 and 2008, Paul Harvey’s voice was heard by up to 24 million people every week. His show, “Paul Harvey News,” was broadcast on 1,200 radio stations, 400 stations for the American Forces Network, and appeared in 300 newspapers. Many people probably know him best for his famous radio segment called “The Rest of the Story.”

America discovered a gem in Paul Harvey. People of all ages tuned in to hear his stories and insights, but they also loved the soothing quality of his familiar voice. It had a way of transporting listeners to a different world for a little while, making them think differently, maybe even changing their perspectives for good.

This guy could really show you a lot about life if you take the time to listen. I really miss those days. Those times when we would think deeply and reflect on ourselves. Sometimes I think about whether we all spend enough time doing that these days.

A long time before Paul Harvey became famous on TV, he wrote an essay that he changed a few times over the years. This essay is pretty controversial, and you can interpret it in different ways: either as a symbol or literally — it makes sense no matter how you look at it.

In this audio clip, you can listen to Paul Harvey as he reads the 1996 version of that essay. It’s wild to see how some of his “predictions” turned out to be so spot on.


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