Amazing Before And After Pictures Of Man With 95% Of Body Covered With Tattoos

When individuals consider the concept of addiction, they often associate it primarily with substance abuse. While this is indeed a common manifestation, it is important to recognize that addiction can also pertain to various other behaviors and activities.

A notable instance of atypical addictions is represented by 26-year-old Tristan Weigelt. As a tattoo apprentice, he has adorned his body with tattoos to such an extent that only a small portion of his skin remains uninked.

He has recently revealed his appearance from five years ago, before undergoing various procedures. A comparison between 2020 and 2022 clearly illustrates the significant changes that can occur over a few years.

Having now adorned 95% of his body with tattoos, he reflects on his journey and expresses no regrets. He acknowledges that it is peculiar to view himself with the tattoos, yet he asserts that his internal feelings remain unchanged from how he felt prior to this transformation.

He also addressed the topic of particularly painful tattoos, noting that those he received on his face and head were the most excruciating. He compared the sensation to being scraped with a metal brush.

In his description, he stated that it consisted of six complete day sessions, each lasting between five and six hours, and he rated the pain as approximately an eight on a scale of ten.

One may assume that every tattoo adorning his body carries a significant meaning; however, he has stated that there are no concealed messages within his body art. Instead, it represents an investment of $50,000 in tattoos acquired over the last five years.

He offers guidance to those contemplating getting a tattoo. He stated, “Choose something that resonates with you and brings you joy. I observe many individuals concerned about whether a particular tattoo suits them or aligns with their personal style. If it appeals to you, then go ahead and get it.”

When it comes to transformations, I would say that he is in a class all of his own.

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