Ways BFF Relationships Have Changed From The ’90s Versus Today

The person you would chat with on the phone during the late hours of the night.

Talk about how tough your parents were and plan matching outfits with…

A lot has shifted when you compare what best friends were like in the ’90s to how they are today.

The basics are still true: you’re still up late chatting on the phone with your best friend.

Keep chatting about everyone and plan your outfits together, but act like it was all just a coincidence.

Honestly, not much has changed. We’re just a bit older now and enjoy drinking more wine.

Best friends are like the brothers and sisters we always wanted, or maybe we actually had some siblings.



but I wasn’t a big fan of them. Meanwhile, your brothers and sisters took your favorite one.

toys and ran around outside with your training bra on their head (cough happened to a friend…),

Your closest buddy was the person you would call to pull off prank calls and lean on for support.

to feel sad when you spotted your crush holding hands with another person on the playground.

Our best friends have played a huge role in getting us to where we are today.

— both back in the ’90s and to this day, even though times may have changed a bit.

The Fights We Get Into
In the ’90s: Your BFF promised to take care of your digital

You asked her to take care of your pet while you were away on vacation, but she ended up letting it die. After that, it was hard to see her in the same way.

Today: Adults don’t really fight anymore. Instead,

We make snarky comments on Facebook and intentionally avoid liking each other’s posts on Instagram.

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