Steve and Marjorie Harvey Marriage Update

Steve and Marjorie are currently on vacation at the moment. And from numerous uploads on their Instagram accounts, it’s pretty obvious what their goal for the summer is.

For those who haven’t seen their posts, the goal is pretty simple. It’s to stay away from land as much as possible and spend all that time having fun on their yacht. So far they seem to be doing a pretty good job at following that goal.

Now usually Marjorie and Steve take their vacation time seriously but this time there is a special reason. This time they decided that a vacation would be a good way to celebrate their seventeen years together as a married couple.

So, they started the celebration at Taormina, Italy. Eventually, the rest of the Harvey family joined them on vacation.

Almost every year, the whole family travels out for a vacation together but it has been a while since the Harvey family got together for a proper vacation. But it looks like this summer, the Harveys are going to correct all of that and have a proper vacation. When Marjorie and Steve rolled around to St. Tropez in France, the rest of the family joined them on the yacht.

The Family Had a Lot to Celebrate

With the family together, Marjorie and Steve’s seventeenth marriage anniversary was not the only celebration happening on the yacht. One of Steve’s sons, Wynton also happened to have his birthday while they were on the yacht with his family.

From Lori’s IG update, you can see that it was celebrated in fashion. According to MSN, Lori posted a video on her Instagram showing Marjorie and Broderick acting as hosts on their yacht.

They were dancing to ‘In Da Club’ by 50 Cent. At the same time, they had champagne and sparklers in their hands celebrating Wynton’s new year.

Apart from celebrating their anniversary and Wynton’s new age, Marjorie and Steve were also getting some quality time with their grandkids. From everything that has been shared on IG, five of their grandkids are on the yacht with Steve and Majorie. Although, it doesn’t seem like Steve or Marjorie have missed out on quality time with their grandkids.

Steve joked about how his children finally moved out and he was ready for alone time with Marjorie. But, not too long after they left the house, his children came back with “more people.” Then, to really ruin his alone time with Marjorie, they have no problem with dropping off the grandkids with him.

Marjorie Has Been Getting Hate Online

Not everything has been going smoothly while Marjorie and Steve have been on the yacht. With the large following Marjorie has on Instagram, let’s just say that not everyone is fond of her. Some of them have gone out of their way to be a dark cloud over all the celebrations Marjorie has had while on vacation.

It started with Marjorie’s hair. It happened after she posted several pictures of herself on vacation and some had a close-up view of her hairline. Then some comments started talking about how her hairline is getting pushed back even more.

Before now, Marjorie has joked about how she got her big forehead from her dad’s side of the family. But, while on the yacht, Marjorie decided to make a video addressing the claims that her hairline was getting pushed back.

In the video, Marjorie was applying some hair care product to her hair and then started brushing it out. She did that while addressing the people who felt they could attack her because of her hair.

At the time, the point of the video was to show that she was unfazed by all the mean comments she was getting. It was working really well until it wasn’t.

The problem was that while Marjorie was telling off the haters, Steve walked into the frame of the video and he was not looking too happy. In fact, Steve spent all the time he was in the background of the video going through a cabinet. At no point did he turn towards Marjorie or even acknowledge her presence.

To make matters worse when he was done, he slammed the cabinet door. He then rounded it out by slamming the door on his way out.

Steve Doesn’t Address Negative Comments

Marjorie did not address what was going on with Steve, although it was very obvious that something had ticked him off. Then again it might have had nothing to do with Marjorie. I mean there were at least eight other family members on the yacht that could have been pushing Steve’s buttons.

What started making its way around was that Steve was actually upset with Marjorie. Although it wasn’t for something major, a lot of people felt he was annoyed with Marjorie because she was making a video to address the negative comments.

Everyone who knows Steve knows he doesn’t really address personal negative comments unless it’s something huge. So from Steve’s perspective, addressing the negative comments was only feeding it with more fuel to burn.

He felt Marjorie making that video was only going to make the situation worse. But then again how Steve reacted in the background might have even caused more problems than it solved.

However, Steve and Majorie were not going to let all that ruin their vacation, especially when they were on a yacht. So not too long after the video went up, Marjorie went right back to posting more pictures and videos about the luxurious vacation she was having with her husband.

Rumors About Infidelity Quickly Spread

Then soon after, she posted a close-up selfie of herself that was mostly just showing her shoulders and head. From the looks of things, Marjorie was doubling down on the fact that the haters couldn’t get to her.

This time, it looked like Steve was in full support. He liked the video and followed it up by dropping some heart-eyed emojis for Marjorie in the comments.

Marjorie posted some more pictures of herself and Steve together where they were on a different boat cuddling. That was when Wynton commented “And they can’t do nothing about it.”

Now, you might be wondering what this comment has to do with anything. Well, Wynton’s comment was supposed to be a clap-back at the negative comments directed at Marjorie, ever since a rumor of her cheating on Steve started spreading everywhere. There have been several comments on Marjorie’s post calling her a cheater and calling her out for being unfaithful to Steve.

It all began in 2023, and the funniest part is that no one really knows how the rumor started. Out of nowhere, the news going around was that Marjorie had cheated on Steve with not just one person but two.

According to the rumors, the men that Marjorie was cheating on Steve with both happened to be working for them. One was Steve’s bodyguard and the other was their personal chef.

Steve and Marjorie Did Not Let the Hate Ruin Their Vacation

Then to make a bad situation worse, the rumor also said that Marjorie was filing for divorce from Steve and was asking for a settlement of around two hundred million dollars. With literally no evidence, this rumor made rounds on the internet and Majorie was getting the worst of it on her socials.

But in the heat of the moment, Marjorie decided to keep quiet on the matter to let it die down. It wasn’t until much later that Marjorie released a post addressing the rumor and calling it nothing but a lie.

Steve on the other hand spoke about the rumor back in August 2023 when he was invited to Invest Fest 2023. He told everyone that he and Marjorie were fine and that the news going round was nothing but a rumor.

From the looks of the vacation pictures Marjorie has been sharing, it looks like Steve and Marjorie really are fine.

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